

1. Description


The processing script is the recommended way to run the reduction. It takes a run-ini-file which contains parameters specific to the users needs for that processing session. Based on these run-ini-file parameters and the raw data (stored in the DRS_DATA_RAW directory) a set of recipes or a recipe-sequences will determine which recipes are run for which raw files.

The run-ini-files are an important part of the processing script and have many options to control the processing run.


Some of the following arguments can also be added to the command-line or python function call (see section 4)

Options are:

  • RUN_NAME: the name of the run

  • SEND_EMAIL: whether to send an email on start/finish

  • EMAIL_ADDRESS: the email address to send an email to

  • RUN_OBS_DIR: Whether to limit processing to a single observation-directory

  • EXCLUDE_OBS_DIRS: Whether to ignore certain observation-directories

  • INCLUDE_OBS_DIRS: Whether to limit processing to a set of observation-directories

  • PI_NAMES: Whether to limit processing to a single or list of PI_NAMES (must match the header key KW_PI_NAME)

  • MASTER_OBS_DIR: The observation-directory to use as the master


    this should not be changed in general but does require calibrations from this night to be present in the raw directory.


    Currently we do not support multiple master_obs_dir and a full reduction should never mix different master observation-directories

  • CORES: The number of cores to use


    This should always be at least N-1 less than the total number of cores available

  • STOP_AT_EXCEPTION: The processing code will not continue past an error and will stop

  • TEST_RUN: Runs the processing script without running any recipes


    This is highly recommended, please check that you are reducing the expected data before running without TEST_RUN = False

  • USE_ENGINEERING: If True engineering observation-directories (those without science observation).


    In general we do not recommend to reduce these nights as they may reduce the quality of reduced data

  • TRIGGER_RUN: For use in online reductions only

  • USE_REJECTLIST: If True checks that odometer code aren’t already flagged as bad files

  • RECAL_TEMPLATES: If True recalculates the templates that are already present.


    This should only be done when re-reducing all data for a single object. Recalculating the template for only new observations will greatly affect RV precision and we do not recommend doing any time series analysis with a varying template.


    A template hash key is available in the header of files that have used a template. If unsure check that the template hash matches for all observations.

  • UPDATE_OBJ_DATABASE: If True the locally stored object database is updated from online.


    Do not do this unless you are re-reducing all the data. If the object database has updated parameters this could affect RV precision (as the BERV calculation may change).

  • RUN_XXX: For each recipe (or recipe in a sequence) there is a shortname associated with it. A user can

    turn on and off recipes within a sequence without having to create a new sequence. i.e. setting RUN_PP = False will turn of the PP recipe (apero_preprocessing) all recipe-runs in an apero_processing run will be skipped.

  • SKIP_XXX: Similar to RUN_XXX there is a shortname that can be skipped, if and only if the recipe-run can be

    found in the logging database (i.e. all required arguments are identical) and it has successfully completed in a previous apero_processing run, or when run individually

  • TELLURIC_TARGETS: A filter for certain recipes that use hot star observations to only use certain hot star object names

    (and thus only use certain observations). The default value is “All” which uses all telluric objects in a pre-configured list of telluric object.

  • SCIENCE_TARGETS: A filter for certain recipes that use science observations. Using this a user can only reduced data

    for a single object name or a list of object names (separated by a comma). For example if one sets SCIENCE_TARGETS=Gl699 and had RUN_EXTOBJ=True only extractions of Gl699 would be reduced

The very last piece of information required is the sequences (or individual recipe runs) that are required. The should be numbered id00000, id00001, id00002 etc and should only contain an individual recipe run (with all correct arguments) or a sequence name. For sequence names see the sequences page for an instrument (e.g. for spirou click here).

2. Schematic

No schematic set

3. Usage

apero_processing.py {runfile}[STRING] {options}
{runfile}[STRING] // [STRING] The run file to use in reprocessing

4. Optional Arguments

--filename[STRING] // [STRING] The 'filename' to reprocess (default is None for all files)
--cores[STRING] // [INTEGER] Number of cores to use in processing
--test[True,False,1,0,None] // [BOOLEAN] If True does not process any files just prints an output of what recipes would be run
--trigger // [BOOLEAN] If True activates trigger mode (i.e. will stop processing at the first point we do not find required files). Note one must define --night in trigger mode
--science_targets[STRING] // [STRING] A list of object names to process as science targets (if unsets default to the run.in file) must be separated by a comma and surrounded with speech-marks i.e. 'target1,target2,target3'
--telluric_targets[STRING] // [STRING] A list of object names to process as telluric targets (if unsets default to the run.in file) must be separated by a commas and surrounded with speech-marks i.e. 'target1,target2,target3'
--update_objdb[STRING] // Update the object database - only recommended if doing a full reprocess with all data.

5. Special Arguments

--xhelp[STRING] // Extended help menu (with all advanced arguments)
--debug[STRING] // Activates debug mode (Advanced mode [INTEGER] value must be an integer greater than 0, setting the debug level)
--listing[STRING] // Lists the night name directories in the input directory if used without a 'directory' argument or lists the files in the given 'directory' (if defined). Only lists up to 15 files/directories
--listingall[STRING] // Lists ALL the night name directories in the input directory if used without a 'directory' argument or lists the files in the given 'directory' (if defined)
--version[STRING] // Displays the current version of this recipe.
--info[STRING] // Displays the short version of the help menu
--program[STRING] // [STRING] The name of the program to display and use (mostly for logging purpose) log becomes date | {THIS STRING} | Message
--recipe_kind[STRING] // [STRING] The recipe kind for this recipe run (normally only used in apero_processing.py)
--parallel[STRING] // [BOOL] If True this is a run in parellel - disable some features (normally only used in apero_processing.py)
--shortname[STRING] // [STRING] Set a shortname for a recipe to distinguish it from other runs - this is mainly for use with apero processing but will appear in the log database
--idebug[STRING] // [BOOLEAN] If True always returns to ipython (or python) at end (via ipdb or pdb)
--ref[STRING] // If set then recipe is a reference recipe (e.g. reference recipes write to calibration database as reference calibrations)
--crunfile[STRING] // Set a run file to override default arguments
--quiet[STRING] // Run recipe without start up text
--nosave // Do not save any outputs (debug/information run). Note some recipes require other recipesto be run. Only use --nosave after previous recipe runs have been run successfully at least once.
--force_indir[STRING] // [STRING] Force the default input directory (Normally set by recipe)
--force_outdir[STRING] // [STRING] Force the default output directory (Normally set by recipe)

6. Output directory

DRS_DATA_REDUC // Default: "red" directory

7. Output files


8. Debug plots

No debug plots.

9. Summary plots

No summary plots.