

1. Description


The apero_get recipe is a quick and efficient way of copying (or linking to) data from the main data directories of apero.

apero_get allow the user to select a specific file or files based on:

  • object name: (using the –objnames argument), this select only files with the given object name (Can use the * to get all objects in separate directories)

  • output file type: (using the –outtypes argument), this selects only files with the given output (see file definitions, i.e. file definitions for SPIROU) (the name column) for the specific values for each file

  • data types (using the –dprtypes argument), this similarly to output file type relates to the input file type (see pre-processing file definitions, i.e. file definitions for SPIROU) (the HDR[DPRTYPE] column) for the specific values for each file

  • fibers - the fibers to use (i.e. for spirou some combination of AB, A, B, C)

The user can also set the output directory where files should be copied to and whether the copied files are just symlinks or full copies of the data.


We recommend running with –test the first time this is used to make sure you have the files you want (and check whether all the options worked)

The apero_get recipe also allows quick copying of the full raw data set (or symlinks) this is useful when doing a full reduction and wanting a consistent dataset (where a normal raw directory may be getting new files every day)

apero_get.py --raw --symlink --outpath /home/test/apero-files/raw/

1.1 Some examples

  • Example 1: Copy all extracted 2D spectra, telluric corrected 2D spectra and telluric reconstructed absorption files for fiber AB for Gl699 to /home/test/apero-files/

    apero_get.py --outtypes EXT_E2DS_FF,TELLU_OBJ,TELLU_RECON --fibers=AB --outpath=/home/test/apero-files/ --objnames=Gl699
  • Example 2: Copy all extracted (non-telluric corrected) 1D spectra files of WASP-127 to /home/test/apero-files/

    apero_get.py --outtype EXT_S1D_W,EXT_S1D_V,SC1D_W_FILE,SC1D_V_FILE --objnames=WASP-127 --outpath=/home/test/files/
  • Example 3: Copy all telluric corrected 2D spectra fibers AB, A and B for targets Gl699, Trappist-1 and AuMic to /home/test/apero-files/

    apero_get.py --outtypes TELLU_OBJ --fibers=AB,A,B --outpath=/home/test/apero-files/ --objnames=Gl699,Trappist-1,AuMic
  • Example 4: Copy all extracted 2D spectra for fiber AB of DPRTYPE=DARK_DARK_SKY (Sky files) to /home/test/apero-files/

    apero_get.py --outtypes EXT_E2DS_FF --fibers=AB --outpath=/home/test/apero-files/ --dprtypes=DARK_DARK_SKY
  • Example 5: Copy all extracted 2D spectra for fibers AB and C of DPRTYPE=FP_FP (FP calibration files) to /home/test/apero-files/

    apero_get.py --outtypes EXT_E2DS_FF --fibers=AB,C --outpath=/home/test/apero-files/ --dprtypes=FP_FP
  • Example 6: Copy all science observations for extracted 2D spectra.

    Note SPIROU does not use OBJ_SKY and NIRPS does not use POL_FP,POL_DARK but this command covers both instruments. Warning this may copy a LOT of objects. Run with –test first!

    apero_get.py --objnames=* --outtypes=EXT_E2DS_FF --outpath=/spirou/cook/test --dprtypes=OBJ_FP,OBJ_DARK,OBJ_SKY,POLAR_FP,POL_DARK
  • Example 7: Copy all telluric corrected 2D spectra for fibers A and B for many objects to /home/test/apero-files/

    apero_get.py --outtypes TELLU_OBJ --fibers=A,B --outpath=/home/test/apero-files/ --objnames=EXLUP,V830TAU,BDP23_2063B,HD_96064_BC,G_272M127,J23453034P4104001,ROSS_1050,ROSS_477,TOI1759,G_75M55,TWA25,GL846,HD_207966B,J00372598P5133072,J23181789P4617214,TYC_4384M1735M1,V2247OPH,2MASSJ11021804P1630333,BDP04_4988,BDP08_4887,GJ494,GL270,GL338B,GL536,GL212,GL410,HD_263175B,NLTT46858,OTSER,BDP05_3409,GL412A,GL514,GJ3305,GJ1026A,LP_831M68,HD_154363B,HD_31867B,NLTT45473,GL205,GL686,GL880,WOLF_209,GL378,J20412815P5725473,DHTAUB,DOTAU,TWA13A,TWA13B,AUMIC,G_114M10,NLTT36190,HD_31412B,HD_46375B,LP_733M99,GJ3470,G_145M11,G_230M31,18_PUP_B,G_270M12,GJ3192A,HD_164595B,HD_50281B,L_657M32,NLTT39578,SIGCRBC,JH_223,GL411,XZTAU,GL15A,GL382,TWA7,V347AUR,HD_213519B,WOLF_1450,GL752A,G_270M164,G_28M21,GL687,GL48,GL617B,GJ1026B,ROSS_555,G_106M36,GL317,GL362,GL725B,GL849,GL876,HD_4271B,NLTT44569,NLTT45430,UCAC4_538M053123,V_CW_UMA,G240M52,GJ1105,GJ4333,GL15B,GL480,HD_6660B,PM_J08402P3127,G_275M2,J04510138P3127238,TYC_3980M1081M1,CEBOO,GL251,GL436,GL581,GL725A,PM_J09553M2715,EPIC_248131102,GJ768_1B,TOI732,EV_LAC,G_102M4,G_232M62,NLTT35712,GJ1148,GJ3378,GL169_1A,GL445,LP_128M32,NLTT40692,GJ4338,NLTT37349,GJ1103,GJ1214,GJ1256,GJ1289,GJ490B,GJ669B,GL166C,K2_25,GJ1151,GJ1154,GJ4274,GJ493_1,GJ4063,GL408,GL699,UCAC3_226M217434,GJ3789,HD_183870B,GL905,LP_071M082,PM_J18482P0741,GJ1286,GJ1002,G_139M12,GJ4071,PM_J21463P3813,20_LMI_B,GL412B,GJ3622,GJ1111,1RXSJ173353_5P165515,GJ1245B,TRAPPIST1,J1835379P325954,TVLM_513M46
  • Example 8: For LBL copy these files (or change the objnames as appropriate)

    apero_get.py --outpath /space/spirou/obj_fullv07254 --outtypes TELLU_OBJ,TELLU_PCLEAN,TELLU_RECON,TELLU_TEMP_S1D,TELLU_TEMP,EXT_E2DS_FF --objnames GJ4071,GJ4338,DHTAUB,GL686,K2_25,18_PUP_B,1RXSJ173353_5P165515,20_LMI_B,42_PEG,51_PEG,55CNCB,72_OPH,AUMIC,BDP04_4988,BDP05_3409,BDP08_4887,BDP23_2063B,BPTAU,CITAU,DGTAU,DOTAU,2MASS_J04372171P2651014,EV_LAC,EXLUP,FUORI,G240M52,GJ1002,GJ1012,GJ1026A,GJ1026B,GJ1103,GJ1105,GJ1111,GJ1148,GJ1151,GJ1154,GJ1214,GJ1245B,GJ1256,GJ1286,GJ1289,GJ3192A,GJ3305,GJ3378,GJ3470,GJ3622,GJ3789,GJ4063,GJ4274,GJ4333,GJ490B,GJ493_1,GJ494,GJ669B,GJ768_1B,GL15A,GL15B,GL166C,GL169_1A,GL205,GL212,GL251,GL270,GL317,GL338B,GL362,GL378,GL382,GL388,GL406,GL408,GL410,GL411,GL412A,GL412B,GL436,GL445,GL447,GL48,GL480,GL514,GL536,GL581,GL617B,GL687,GL699,GL725A,GL725B,GL752A,GL846,GL849,GL876,GL880,GL905,GMAUR,GQLUP,G_102M4,G_106M36,G_114M10,G_145M11,G_230M31,G_232M62,G_270M12,G_270M164,G_272M127,G_275M2,G_28M21,G_75M55,HATP11,HD_189733,HD_133112,HD_154363B,HD_164595B,HD_183870B,HD_185603,HD_207966B,HD_213519B,HD_263175B,HD_31412B,HD_31867B,HD_4271B,HD_46375B,HD_50281B,HD_6660B,HD_96064_BC,J00372598P5133072,J04510138P3127238,J20412815P5725473,J23181789P4617214,J23453034P4104001,JH_223,K2_33,LKCA4,LP_071M082,LP_128M32,LP_733M99,LP_831M68,L_657M32,NLTT35712,NLTT36190,NLTT37349,NLTT39578,NLTT40692,NLTT44569,NLTT45430,NLTT45473,NLTT46858,PM_J08402P3127,PM_J09553M2715,PM_J18482P0741,PM_J21463P3813,ROSS_1050,ROSS_477,ROSS_555,RULUP,RYLUP,RYTAU,SIGCRBC,TAUBOO,TOI1728,TOI1759,TOI2136,TOI732,TOI1452,TOI1695,TOI442,TOI736,TRAPPIST1,TVLM_513M46,TWA13A,TWA13B,TWA25,TWA7,TW_HYA,TYC_3980M1081M1,TYC_3154M921M1,TYC_4384M1735M1,UCAC3_226M217434,UCAC4_538M053123,V1298TAU,V2129OPH,V2247OPH,V347AUR,V410TAU,V830TAU,WASP127,WASP69,WASP80,WASP11,WASP52,WASP12,WOLF_1450,WOLF_209,XZTAU,TOI727,TOI4860,SKY,WASP33,BDM11_2741,UCAC2_44133324,WASP39
    apero_get.py --outpath /space/spirou/obj_fullv07254 --dprtypes FP_FP --outtypes EXT_E2DS_FF

2. Schematic

No schematic set

3. Usage

apero_get.py {options}

No optional arguments

4. Optional Arguments

--assets // Download the assets to the github directory
--gui // Use a gui to filter files (Currently not ready)
--outpath[STRING] // This is the directory where copied files will be placed. Must be a valid path and must have permission be able to write.
--symlinks // Create symlinks to the file instead of copying
--tar // Whether to create a tar instead of copying files.Must also provide the --tarfile argument
--tarfile[STRING] // The name of the tar file to create. Must also provide the --tar argument
--objnames[STRING] // The object names separated by a comma. Use '' for objects with whitespaces i.e 'obj1,obj2,obj 3'
--dprtypes[STRING] // The DPRTYPES to use (multiple dprtypes combined with OR logic) separate dprtypes with commas. Leaving blank will not use DPRTYPE to filter files.
--outtypes[STRING] // The drs output file types to use (multiple output type combined  with OR logic) separate output types with commas. Leaving blank will not use output type to filter files.
--fibers[STRING] // The fibres to use (multiple output type combined  with OR logic) separate fibers with commas. Leaving blank will not use fiber to filter files.
--since[STRING] // Only get files processed since a certain date YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
--latest[STRING] // Only get files processed since a certain date YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
--timekey[processed,observed] // Whether to use the processed or observed time in the since and latest arguments (applies to both)
--obsdir[STRING] // Only get files from a certain observation directory
--pi_name[STRING] // Only get files from a certain PI
--runid[STRING] // Only get files from certain run ids
--failedqc // Include files that failed QC. Highly unrecommended.
--nosubdir // Do not put files into a sub-directory. Only use thes outpath
--test // Does not copy files - prints copy as a debug test. Recommended for first time use.
--sizelimit[INT] // Limit the size of output tarfile (in GB)

5. Special Arguments

--xhelp[STRING] // Extended help menu (with all advanced arguments)
--debug[STRING] // Activates debug mode (Advanced mode [INTEGER] value must be an integer greater than 0, setting the debug level)
--listing[STRING] // Lists the night name directories in the input directory if used without a 'directory' argument or lists the files in the given 'directory' (if defined). Only lists up to 15 files/directories
--listingall[STRING] // Lists ALL the night name directories in the input directory if used without a 'directory' argument or lists the files in the given 'directory' (if defined)
--version[STRING] // Displays the current version of this recipe.
--info[STRING] // Displays the short version of the help menu
--program[STRING] // [STRING] The name of the program to display and use (mostly for logging purpose) log becomes date | {THIS STRING} | Message
--recipe_kind[STRING] // [STRING] The recipe kind for this recipe run (normally only used in apero_processing.py)
--parallel[STRING] // [BOOL] If True this is a run in parellel - disable some features (normally only used in apero_processing.py)
--shortname[STRING] // [STRING] Set a shortname for a recipe to distinguish it from other runs - this is mainly for use with apero processing but will appear in the log database
--idebug[STRING] // [BOOLEAN] If True always returns to ipython (or python) at end (via ipdb or pdb)
--ref[STRING] // If set then recipe is a reference recipe (e.g. reference recipes write to calibration database as reference calibrations)
--crunfile[STRING] // Set a run file to override default arguments
--quiet[STRING] // Run recipe without start up text
--nosave // Do not save any outputs (debug/information run). Note some recipes require other recipesto be run. Only use --nosave after previous recipe runs have been run successfully at least once.
--force_indir[STRING] // [STRING] Force the default input directory (Normally set by recipe)
--force_outdir[STRING] // [STRING] Force the default output directory (Normally set by recipe)

6. Output directory

DRS_DATA_REDUC // Default: "red" directory

7. Output files


8. Debug plots

No debug plots.

9. Summary plots

No summary plots.