1. Description¶
The apero_documentation recipe allows updatings, compiling and uploading of this documenation (via Sphinx).
One can do this for all instruments (–instruments=ALL) or for an individual instrument (however the compile and upload will re-compile/re-upload all local files).
If the file_definitions.py has been updated one can use the –filedef argument to update the documentation file definitions.
If the recipes within recipe_definitions.py has been updated one can use the –recipedef argument to update the documentation and if the sequences within recipe_definitions.py has been updated one can use the –recipeseq argument to update the docuementation.
The safest option is to use –filedef –recipedef –recipeseq to update all automatically created definitions.
One can compile the html and/or latex documents by using –compile and change between compiling html/latex/both with the –mode option.
Finally one can –upload the changes to the webserver (password will be required for the rsync)
you must make sure –compile has been done before this otherwise you could sync a empty directory and remove all files from the webserver
In general one probably runs this command with all arguments. i.e.
apero_documentation.py --filedef --recipedef --recipeseq --compile --upload --mode=html
2. Schematic¶
No schematic set
3. Usage¶
apero_documentation.py {options}
No optional arguments
4. Optional Arguments¶
--instruments[STRING] // [STRING] Which instrument(s) to run this for (default is current instrument) can also write ALL to get all instruments or list instruments separated by a comma
--compile // Compile all rst pages
--upload // [Bool] If True upload documentation to defined server (for web access)
--all // --filedef --recipedef and --recipeseq
--filedef // Compile the docs for file definitions
--recipedef // Compile the docs for recipe definitions
--recipeseq // Compile the docs for recipe sequences
--mode[both,html,latex] // [STRING] Which mode to output in "html", "latex" or "both". Default is "both".
5. Special Arguments¶
--xhelp[STRING] // Extended help menu (with all advanced arguments)
--debug[STRING] // Activates debug mode (Advanced mode [INTEGER] value must be an integer greater than 0, setting the debug level)
--listing[STRING] // Lists the night name directories in the input directory if used without a 'directory' argument or lists the files in the given 'directory' (if defined). Only lists up to 15 files/directories
--listingall[STRING] // Lists ALL the night name directories in the input directory if used without a 'directory' argument or lists the files in the given 'directory' (if defined)
--version[STRING] // Displays the current version of this recipe.
--info[STRING] // Displays the short version of the help menu
--program[STRING] // [STRING] The name of the program to display and use (mostly for logging purpose) log becomes date | {THIS STRING} | Message
--recipe_kind[STRING] // [STRING] The recipe kind for this recipe run (normally only used in apero_processing.py)
--parallel[STRING] // [BOOL] If True this is a run in parellel - disable some features (normally only used in apero_processing.py)
--shortname[STRING] // [STRING] Set a shortname for a recipe to distinguish it from other runs - this is mainly for use with apero processing but will appear in the log database
--idebug[STRING] // [BOOLEAN] If True always returns to ipython (or python) at end (via ipdb or pdb)
--ref[STRING] // If set then recipe is a reference recipe (e.g. reference recipes write to calibration database as reference calibrations)
--crunfile[STRING] // Set a run file to override default arguments
--quiet[STRING] // Run recipe without start up text
--nosave // Do not save any outputs (debug/information run). Note some recipes require other recipesto be run. Only use --nosave after previous recipe runs have been run successfully at least once.
--force_indir[STRING] // [STRING] Force the default input directory (Normally set by recipe)
--force_outdir[STRING] // [STRING] Force the default output directory (Normally set by recipe)
6. Output directory¶
DRS_DATA_REDUC // Default: "red" directory
7. Output files¶
8. Debug plots¶
No debug plots.
9. Summary plots¶
No summary plots.