M1 (spirou_offline_udem)

This page was last modified: 2025-01-17 00:19:32.259041 (UTC)

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Target info

This section gives some details of the APERO astrometric database used when processing this target (e.g. for BERV calculation). Any observation with a object name in the alias list will be associated with this “APERO target” i.e. DRSOBJN=M1

Target Information


83.6287 [deg] (1995AuJPh..48..143S)


22.0147 [deg] (1995AuJPh..48..143S)

Finder chart



nan [K] (None)

Spectral Type

None (None)

Proper Motion (RA)

nan [mas/yr] (None)

Proper Motion (Dec)

nan [mas/yr] (None)


nan [mas/yr] (None)

Radial Velocity

nan [mas/yr] (None)


M 1, 3A 0531+219, 2AGL J0534+2205, AJG 1, ARGO J0535+2203, 2C 481, 3C 144, 3C 144.0, 4C 21.19, 3CR 144, CTA 36, CTB 18, Cul 0531+21, Cul 0531+219, DA 179, DB 38, 2E 1309, 2E 0531.5+2159, eHWC J0534+220, 1ES 0532+21.5, 3FGL J0534.5+2201i, 4FGL J0534.5+2201i, 3FHL J0534.5+2201, GRS G184.60 -05.80, 1H 0531+219, H 0534+21, H 0531+219, 2HWC J0534+220, 3HWC J0534+220, IRAS 05314+2200, LBN 833, LBN 184.62-05.65, 1M 0531+219, Mills 05+2A, NAME CRAB NEB, NAME Crab, NAME Crab Nebula, NAME Tau A, NAME Taurus A, NGC 1952, NRAO 214, NRL 2, NVSS J053428+220202, PBC J0534.5+2201, PKS 0531+219, 1RXS J053431.2+220218, SH 2-244, SIM 0531+21.0, SNR G184.6-05.8, SWIFT J0534.6+2204, SWIFT J0534.5+2200, TeV J0534+220, 2U 0531+22, 3U 0531+21, 4U 0531+21, VRO 21.05.01, W 9, X Tau X-1, X Tau XR-1, [BM83] X0531+219, [DGW65] 25, [PT56] 5, M1, 3A0531+219, 2AGLJ0534+2205, AJG1, ARGOJ0535+2203, 2C481, 3C144, 3C144.0, 4C21.19, 3CR144, CTA36, CTB18, Cul0531+21, Cul0531+219, DA179, DB38, 2E1309, 2E0531.5+2159, eHWCJ0534+220, 1ES0532+21.5, 3FGLJ0534.5+2201i, 4FGLJ0534.5+2201i, 3FHLJ0534.5+2201, GRSG184.60-05.80, 1H0531+219, H0534+21, H0531+219, 2HWCJ0534+220, 3HWCJ0534+220, IRAS05314+2200, LBN833, LBN184.62-05.65, 1M0531+219, Mills05+2A, NAMECRABNEB, NAMECrab, NAMECrabNebula, NAMETauA, NAMETaurusA, NGC1952, NRAO214, NRL2, NVSSJ053428+220202, PBCJ0534.5+2201, PKS0531+219, 1RXSJ053431.2+220218, SH2-244, SIM0531+21.0, SNRG184.6-05.8, SWIFTJ0534.6+2204, SWIFTJ0534.5+2200, TeVJ0534+220, 2U0531+22, 3U0531+21, 4U0531+21, VRO21.05.01, W9, XTauX-1, XTauXR-1, [BM83]X0531+219, [DGW65]25, [PT56]5

OBJECT name(s) in headers

m1, flats


This section presents the observation after extraction,with and without telluric correction.

No spectrum found


No LBL reduction found


No CCF files found

Time series

This section deals with providing the time series information for this object


This section has various debug plots from APERO products